Make a Pinata

Are you bored at home? Do you want a fun, easy and cheap project? Make a pinata in the shape of the Coronavirus!

You will need:

  • A balloon
  • Flour
  • Water
  • A bowl
  • A spatula
  • White paper
  • Red paper (tissue paper would be perfect, but any paper works)
  • Glue
  • Rope
  • Scissors

Cut the white paper into strips approximately 5 cm wide. Mix the flour with water in the bowl to make a light paste. Dip the strips into the paste one at a time, wiping off excess paste, and glue each strip onto the balloon. When fully covered in a layer of strips, allow to dry 24 hours. Repeat the process the next day with a second layer of strips. Before finishing the second layer, tie a string around the balloon knot. Let it dry.

Cut the red paper into squares approximately 8 cm. Turn them into little flowers and stick them on the balloon. Let it dry.

Ready! You have a pinata!

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