Me with Myself – Doña Gladys de Casa Sol y Montaña
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I am a holistic being. I have a body, a mind and a spirit. Like all human beings I found knowledge in schools and universities looking to find outside of myself, what was inside of me. After taking numerous trips and going down different paths in life, I eventually came to understand that my most difficult journey was in fact the shortest and the simplest.
The journey that was just one step: the path from my mind to my heart. I made the most important decision; to continue on this path and to not worry about or occupy myself with others. Do and say what I felt and thought and not do what others wanted me to do. In this, I made the decision to be myself and be with myself. I moved to Jardin, left my job and I started to really LIVE! My twenty years living simply in a rustic cabin in Jardin with an organic farm allowed for rebirth and find wisdom, not the knowledge in life. I found this cabin that I called “the chocolate house,” and I found within my heart to transform all of the fear I had into LOVE.

And after my experiences of “me with me” I have decided to take those experiences and have now moved into the philosophy of “me with the world” so that I can share my life experiences and lessons. Because of a great environmental crisis and a problem with my vision, I had to leave my home, my temple. I left the place that was my sanctuary and my everything and at that moment I woke up from my magical dream to a beautiful reality. Now I am in my “me with the world” and I have spent more than three years at Casa Sol y Montana, creating with great faith in myself, knowing that my life is a work of art that only I can create. I have been building different spaces to share with people from all over the world and planting new seeds to have sweeter fruits. All the while, loving my BEING and that of others. If I have my identity, I enjoy the diversity of the world. If I accept everything as it is and everyone as they are I can be happy and bring happiness to the great fabric of life. I have an intention based on love, only on love because it is ultimately what moves and moves the world
-Doña Gladys from Casa Sol y Montaña